As a another year passes, we look forward to the promise of new beginnings as reflection is made on the course our lives took over the past year.

Many of us experienced both ups and downs throughout 2007, some with more than their share of trials and tribulations. Yet, throughout it all, perseverance continued steadfastly as an ally, thanks to support from family and friends.

Resolutions are made as 2008 begins and hopes and dreams are bright for the coming months. I for one, seem to be on the eternal "lose this extra weight" merry-go-round. It seems as though there are never enough hours in a day to accomplish all that I need done.

As I reflect on "wishes unfulfilled," it hits me that I'm missing the boat on all those wonderful things in my life that are too often taken for granted and I come to the realization that life should be enjoyed to its fullest with all those tasks that do find fruition.

As the days turn into months and the weather warms, so too should our hearts toward our fellow man. Acts of kindness should be a commonplace thing, and tolerance of others' shortcomings is one virtue we should all practice in our daily lives.

Life is indeed short, as the cliche goes, and we never know when our time is up here on earth. Contemplation of our own mortality is one thing we don't dwell on as we take for granted that life will continue on indefinitely. Another brand new year is here and before we know it, it too will come to an end. When that last day in December arrives, will it be filled with regret for all those things you didn't do or will it be filled with fond memories of a great year?

With those thoughts in mind, let us remember to "live well . . laugh often . . . and love much." Think! If today was your last, what would you do with the rest of your life? Until next issue . . take care.   back...